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Bret Hart Comments On Inducting HBK Into the WWE Hall of Fame & More

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Bret Hart Comments On Inducting HBK Into the WWE Hall of Fame & More Vide
PostSubject: Bret Hart Comments On Inducting HBK Into the WWE Hall of Fame & More   Bret Hart Comments On Inducting HBK Into the WWE Hall of Fame & More Icon_minitimeTue 07 Apr 2009, 2:29 pm

Bret Hart did a radio interview over the weekend and addressed two recent news items we reported about the Hall of Famer. Bret confirmed the report that Dory Funk Jr. asked him to induct the Funk's into the WWE Hall of Fame. Although he was willing to induct them, he said Vince had already picked Dusty Rhodes for that job. Bret was also asked about Shawn Michaels' recent comments in WWE Magazine about wanting Bret to induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame one day. Bret said the idea was a stretch, but he'd be open to clearing the air with Shawn one day. He also said he had spoken to Vince about putting out another DVD on his career.

Here's a full recap:

Show: The Interactive Interview
Guest: Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Date: 4/4/09
Your Hosts: Patrick Kelley, James Walsh, & Nick Noel
Transcript By: Patrick Kelley & James Walsh

To listen, visit http://www.WrestlingEpicenter.com.


- The Best There Is...The Best There Was....& The Best There Ever Will Be joins TII and the interview begins with James welcoming Bret on and letting him know this interview has been a long time in the making, 6 and a half years to be exact. Bret says he's glad to to be able to do this for him.

- Bret is taking part in a fanfest for "Big Time Wrestling" in Newark, California. He enjoys doing events like this because he gets to meet the fans and he gets to catch up with old friends that he hasn't seen in a while. Bret feels it is a good time for everyone, the boys included. Vader, Hony Tonk Man, Justin Credible, Rob Van Dam, and so many other top stars will be appearing at the event. To check it out for yourself, visit http://www.BTwrestling.com.

- James mentions that he knows a lot of guys at that event have said various things about each other, some positive and some negative, and asks if bad feelings ever boil over at these events or do they just accept what was said in the past and move on. Bret says a little of both. Sometimes they call each other aside and talk it out and sometimes there can be a little weird energy. But, nobody goes there to cause trouble. They're there to have fun with the fans.

- Recently, Shawn Michaels said in an interview with WWE magazine that he would like for Bret Hart to induct him into the Hall of Fame when the moment happens. When asked if he'd do it, Bret said "I don't think so...thats quite a stretch right now!"

- Bret says that he will not be at the Hall of Fame this year. Dory Funk asked Bret to induct The Funks, but Bret opted not to. He had heard that Dusty Rhodes had already been asked to do it and left it at that.

- James mentions that when he first started chasing Bret's managment team for interviews, he had just begun writing his book and had already written enough for one book. The talk at that point was for him to release volumes almost like an encyclopedia or a trilogy or something along those lines. But, in the end, one book, though a great one, was released. Bret was very happy with how his book turned out and says it was a good representation of his career, but there were some nice stories that got left out. He hasn't thought much about a second book yet but will be looking into what other stories he's not included that could comprise warranting a second release.

- When Bret Hart last spoke to Vince McMahon, there was talk about doing a second and third Best Of DVD set on Bret's career. Nothing is sured up yet but he believes that there will be more Bret Hart DVD's to come thanks in part to the success of the first one.

- Bret was recently featured on TMZ where they tried to get him to say something bad about Hulk Hogan. He says that some people will try and do thing to create headlines, and guys have different ways of reacting to it.

- In a recent interview, he said that if he could wrestle one more match, it would be with either Curt Hennig or Owen Hart. He says that they were good and safe workers and there wasn't anything he couldn't do with them.

- Bret is then asked about the current wrestling products, he says that interviews come across as way too scripted. He specifically states Piper, Austin, & himself as examples of natural promo guys because they made it up as they went, but today it seems like "bad acting" because its overly scripted. He also feels like some of the stories either move took quickly or come off as hokey and he feels that the show is selling itself as Entertainment rather than Wrestling. He really likes alot of the wrestlers, and he would like to see the titles get more meaning behind them (although he does say he's glad to see the IC Title on Mania this year)

- When asked about WWE's PG direction, he says that wrestling is always evolving and the WWE knows more than he does about the decision . He really enjoyed being a part of the cartoon era of the 1980s, and then talks about how he made the show all about the wrestling when he became the champion. He says that "people don't necessarily remember Bret Hart as much as they remember Bret Hart's matches". He goes on to say that he never had 24 inch pythons but he left his mark for sure.

- James mentions that one of the strangest matches that left an indelible mark on him in regards to Bret's wrestling ability was the baby face match between Bret and the 1-2-3 Kid that made it to the Best of WWE RAW 15th Anniversary DVD set. Bret says that was a match he was proud of himself. He says the Kid was nervous and Bret did take a rather stiff spinwheel kick in the match. Bret says he remembers that the Kid took some impressive elbow smashes in the corner, teasing maybe it was as a result of the kick. But, the next day, Paul Orndorff and wrestlers that were in WCW at the time met up with the Kid in an airport and said it was the best wrestling match they'd ever seen. He's always been proud of that.

- When asked about his favorite wrestlers today, he puts over Randy Orton. He puts Randy's dad over as one of the best and says that he might be even better than his dad. He says he would have loved to work with him. Bret also says that he'd have fun working with Cena & Batista and says that even though people think they are limited, he thinks he could have fun working matches out with them. Unfortunately, he says the concussion he suffered prevents him from every stepping foot in the ring again.

- Bret is then asked about the recent passing of Andrew "Test" Martin. He says its sad because he thought that he had beaten his drug addiction. He saw him now too long ago and it seemed like everything was great. He has a lot of friends & family and this really caught people by surprise.

- There is a new DVD combo pack up at http://www.BretHart.com and includes the legendary documentary Hitman Hart, Wrestling with Shadows as well as the Life and Death of Owen Hart which is a documentary that shows a lot of cut out footage from Wrestling with Shadows that features Owen and was very telling about the person that Owen Hart was. Bret says it is a moving story and he's very happy with how that turned out.

- Vince McMahon is brought up and Bret says that he wishes Vince the best. He thanks Vince for the best years of his career. He doesn't agree with the way that everything went down, but that can't be changed.
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